Discover Our Testimonials
Each story here is a testament to our transformative impact.
For 3 months prior to seeing Dr. Sholes, I was having severe insomnia. I tried OTC medications and herbs but there was no significant relief. I started to get results with Cindy after the first visit. Now my sleep has been restored.
Dr. Cindy is insightful and gets to the the heart of an issue quickly and bypasses possible distress and drama. She is quick and effective. I highly recommend her services.
Our childhood can shape all kinds of anxiety, fears, phobias. That stress, when we feel it, is also seriously impacting our health. In just a few sessions, our highly trained rREST coaches can easily help you clear these unwanted fears and obsessions.
These testimonials offer a glimpse into the possibilities that await, and the ability within each of us to create a life of purpose and fulfillment.
My work with Dr. Sholes has touched my life in profound ways. I have stepped into my own empowerment while working with her. It feels freaking fantastic!
My hamster wheel anxiety seems to be gone — really, it feels like that hamster’s been running on that wheel for 30 years. This is something I thought I would never be able to stop. Doctor Cindy has a big talent for helping to zero in on what’s really going on. I’ve found it tremendously effective.
Dr. Sholes is truly AMAZING! She helped me with my self confident issues like no one ever has. She is knowledgeable and very intuitive. She uses a variety of techniques that are all extremely effective and enlightening.
Dr Cindy managed to do what no other therapist could achieve…temper my anxiety and penchant to blush. Prior to attending Dr Cindy’s sessions, I had experienced 2 years of cognitive behavior of therapy to deal with my anxiety and social phobia all to no avail. The methods she employs to heal have changed my life for the better, almost instantaneously.
I am amazed by the results I have seen in my wife since she has been coming to Mind Wave Institute. I feel like I have the old Suzanne back but SUPERCHARGED. We are able to work happily and easily together in our family business. And, because of her newly energized contribution, we are seeing even greater success in our already successful business! She says that now that the blocks have been removed and the depression lifted, she is able to be more present and joyful with life.
I went to Dr. Sholes because of anxiety and stress that was so bad it was causing me to lose my hair. Not only did she help me with my anxiety and stress but she helped me deal with other areas in my life where I had been stuck for years. She also helped me get rid of the roadblocks that I put in my own way with regard to the business I am starting. I am 52 years old and for the first time in my life I am calm and content. I no longer feel that I am fighting my way through life. I have a new sense of excitement for my life and I feel joy most of the time.
Wow! So beautiful taking this journey with Dr. Sholes. As I have never done this before, I was very open minded with meeting her and experiencing her process. She is so kind and understanding. She is truly compassionate and listens to me . She reached deep areas within myself that I have never been taken before and never felt before. She brought out raw emotions and feelings within my chest that have been buried for so long. The feeling of releasing my past and bringing up traumatic experiences that I never knew existed in my life and being able to let them go, is the most humbling experience. I never thought my past had so much impact on my life today. Her way of releasing is a slow, gentle healing process for your mind, body and soul. It has brought me closer with my spiritual side. It has given me more passion and purpose in life. Thank you so much Dr. Sholes for freeing my mind, body and soul❤️